Any disappointment that the imminent closure of Sony's Go!Messenger service has just been well brought with it has been and truly eradicated. As rumoured, a PSP LittleBigPlanet game is, indeed, in development. Better still, SCEE isn't just bringing the (brilliant) LittleBigPlanet to its portable console, though.The MotorStorm franchise will also make a transition in the form of MotorStorm: Arctic Edge and, less interesting to me at least, Buzz will see a portable reworking.
Claims from SCEE that 2009 would be a good year for the PSP don't sound quite as far fetched now, do they? If you're not interested in seeing LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm on the PSP, then maybe a purple lilac console will do it for you. I actually quite like it, thought I doubt I could suffer the humiliation of buying a Hannah.
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