Tips n Tricks for Symbian and Java based Mobiles

Increase Battery Life
Here is the step by step tutorial for inscresing any mobile battery life .
STEP1:- Discharge your mobile battery to its maximum.
>>>>>Whenever the mobile battery discharge then Mobile
automatically turns off but even mobile battery has some charge and
mobile can turn on [lights] but it again turnoff ,so the main thing is
to discharge it so that mobile even cannot be TURNON. The battery
should be discharged such that THERE IS NO BATTERY IN THE MOBILE(but
there should be battery in the mobile.
STEP 2:- Keep the battery as such for one or two days (whatever you wish to).
STEP3:- Now Charge that battery ,you will find that its taking more time to
charge . Charge it full and start using it, you will find that battery
life has inscreased....


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